Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 8 of Stimulation IVF Series 2- Grow follicles Grow!

Today is Day 8 of IVF Stimulation and Day 20 of IVF injections over all. Time really has flown by this series and I can't believe how close we are to the retrieval procedure! I came home to the most gorgeous multi colored roses, a box of chocolate, and sweet note from my sister Nicole, Cooper and Mackenzie.

Coolest thing ever when flowers come shipped this way :)

Aren't these gorgeous? Multi-colored roses from my sissy

I plan on sharing these with Chris but the peanut butter truffle is MINE! 

 I went to the clinic yesterday morning for a monitoring appointment and came back with GREAT news!

They did a blood draw, (the nurse who does my blood draw is the nicest lady ever by the way), and then an ultrasound to see how things were looking. I was SHOCKED when Karen (our fertility nurse who is absolutely amazing in her own right), looked at the screen and started counting......and then kept on counting.

(link for Karen Hammond below if you want to check out her impressive stats)

We have 22 follicles on my right side and 15 on my left!!! That is absolutely crazy! 

To put this into proper prospective on the same day during our first cycle we only had 5 follicles on each side. I am so glad they decided to up my drug dosage this time so that we would not have the same follicle issue we did the first series.  I had a pretty bad migraine Tuesday night but other than feeling like I have an alien inside of me I feel pretty good. Swollen, bloated, and cramping but nothing I haven't felt before.

Karen told me that everything looked "text book perfect" and to come and see her Friday morning for more blood work and monitoring. It's getting close and I'm anxious to hear what Karen has to say tomorrow in regards to the timing. We need the follicles to have grown to a certain size before they can do the procedure. And as my sister says "GROW FOLLICLES GROW!!"

Precious note from my Sis & her babies

My bedside table filled with positive affirmations and my lovely flowers

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 17 of Injections- IVF Series 2

Today marks the 17th day of injections for Chris and I during this second round of IVF. That's in total, 24 injections thus far (not including in office blood draws). You would think after doing this before I would be a pro at it right? Yeah, not so much.

Chris however is a pro. I honestly don't know how he puts up with me and my needle phobia. The first night we did the stomach injections (Gonadotropin-Follistim & Menopur) it took me an hour and a half to finally lie down and let him give me the injections. That is a case of the MAJOR YIPS.

For those of you that don't know what "the YIPS" are, it's when I completely freak out and nerves take over. I broke the number one rule when dealing with something that makes me nervous....I had way too much time to sit and think about it.

Chris was on Spring Break from work this past week which has been wonderful having him around but this past Thursday it was a lazy rainy day that turned into 12 hours of me sitting around worrying about my injections that evening.

We finally did it and have had a few other YIPS instances since. Over all the Menopur injection still remains painful. The Follistim injection is in a pin form this time and is at a higher dosage. It doesn't hurt as badly as the Menopur but it does leave bruises.

Lovely yellow and green bruise on my belly from our injections.

What helps me get through the YIPS and the pain is the thought of our Baker Baby. I have always said I would do anything it took so that we could be parents and even when I'm crying and having a meltdown I do eventually suck it up and do what needs to be done.

Ultimately I know how lucky we are to get to try IVF again when so many can not and I have to have faith and trust in the process.

I go back to the doctor this Wednesday for monitoring. They will be doing another blood draw to see how my hormone levels are as well as an ultrasound. This is when things start getting a bit more serious as they will be looking for follicles.

Refresher on Follicles:

See those black blobs? Those are follicles :) No that's not my uterus 

Follicles are what contain the egg and what we are stimulating my ovaries to create more of. Wednesday our doctors will be looking at the ultrasound determining how many follicles we have and measuring their size. The larger the follicle is the more mature the egg it contains is. So bigger is better in this case.

We had some follicle size issues the first IVF series we did back in January so they up'd our drug dosage in hopes of combating that problem. (lots of follicles just not enough larger sized guys at first). Prayers, rain dances, every appendage crossed that we don't have those issues this go round. 

Much love to friends and family who have been so amazing during all of this. Off to get ready for my evening injections. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baseline Appointment- IVF Round 2

Chris and I had our "Baseline Appointment" with our fertility clinic this morning. A Baseline appointment is pretty much what it sounds like, they take your blood, do an ultrasound, and see where you are at before you start taking the stimulation injections.

It was very windy today but that's me outside of our clinic with my bright blue arm band on post blood draw.

According to our doctor, "everything looks beautiful." My ovaries and lining etc are exactly where they need to be and doing what's expected at this time. (yes this blog will have many "tmi" moments but it IS a blog dealing with infertility so I hope you aren't squemish")

This plaque is one of many hanging on my doc's wall

We were instructed to continue our daily injections of Lupron (in my arm)  until told. This will be day 11 of injections and for the most part they aren't bad. Every once in a while I'll have one that does sting and after all it is a needle but Chris does a great job of trying to distract me and do them quickly.

 We also start the "big" injections this Thursday. I'm not gonna lie, these scare the hell out of me especially at first but I have to just look at this entire experience as the blessing that it is and try to see the positive.

Our Doctor, Dr. Steinkamph surrounded by a sea of babies

I really do love the team at our fertility clinic. They are always so attentive and do truly care about us. I have days where it's the last place in the world I want to be for obvious reasons but they always do their best to make us feel cared for. 

"Wall of babies" these line the hallways at our clinic & give us something to aspire to. (We will take one please and thank you)

I'm tired today. Had a hard time falling to sleep last night due to the appointment this morning. I'm not sure why but I couldn't calm the "what if's" in my mind.  I know worrying won't do us any good but I can't help it sometimes. It was easier going into this process the first time with a positive outlook and I am trying very hard to get to that positive place again. 

Chris with our "favorite" painting in the office where our clinic is. We have no idea why it's there but we mock it every time we pass it. If nothing else it serves as a source of humor.

I have made appointments with my massage therapist Carla and look forward to seeing her soon. She applies acupressure therapy and meditation during our sessions and truly does help me get into a positive mind frame. 

I will do another post soon regarding the "Big" injections coming up on Thursday. See you then.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First round of Injections

So Chris and I began our first round of injections of our second attempt at IVF this past Saturday evening. I was working a wedding and had to be on site during the injection. Chris and I managed to find an abandoned restroom within the building and did it there. I crouched on the floor, leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes. Not the greatest experience but definitely not the worst.

Our first injections consist of the drug called Lupron. What is Lupron?

Lupron is the GnRH-agonist (gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist) that suppresses the LH surge until the follicles mature. In other words, Lupron puts your ovaries to sleep so that you do not ovulate before the egg retrieval.

Yes this is a crappy picture of our bottle of Lupron but I am NOT taking a pic of the syringe. That would mean I would have to actually look at it.

Makes sense right? I have also been on birth control in order to "control" the timing of the ovulation, stimulation, and over all IVF procedure. I take my last birth control pill this Thursday and continue the daily Lupron injections until the end of next week. 

The injections so far have not been bad. One in the arm and Chris is a pro at giving them to me by now. I also have a little cuddly guy on loaner from my best friend Casey. Her stuffed animal "baby" Rocky the Panda that she's had since she was born.

Rocky the much loved Panda on loan

Rocky helps, so does closing my eyes, lying down and covering my face with a wet rag like I have before. The only real side effects I've noticed thus far are itchiness at the injection site and some mild headaches. I woke up with a bad one this morning.

I will be making a post soon in regards to the final numbers on my sisters fundraising efforts through the Baker Baby website. I am so amazed by the support we received and am trying to think of a creative way to properly thank everyone. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Run Sissy Run!

Yesterday my sister Nicole completed the PETCO Park Half Marathon in San Diego California! She ran in honor of Chris and I's struggle with infertility and raised funds leading up to the run. I know I have sung her praises many times before on this blog but truly there aren't enough words to describe what she means to me.

PETCO Park the morning of the Half Marathon

The day we found out we weren't pregnant and that our first attempt at IVF had not worked she opened the fundraising website for Baker Baby. There was never a moment of doubt or hesitation for her, she just did. I have always admired her tenacity and strength and this process has highlighted those aspects of her even more.

Nicole showing off the back of her running jersey in our honor

Nicole is not only strong, but incredibly loving and loyal. I have been so blessed in my life to be surrounded by women that are both of these things. My mother, my sister, and my best friend all embody the duality of being fiercely strong & independent survivors as well as incredibly loving, giving, selfless, empathic people. 

Nicole showing off her Half Marathon Medal

Nicole averaged an 8:30 mile overall and also set a new PR (personal record) of 1:52! For someone like me who typically only runs when I feel it's an absolute necessity (like being chased), or when I feel like my favorite pair of pants are fitting a wee too tight, Nicole choosing to conquer this physical feat for us is extraordinary. 

As of today we have raised through the Baker Baby fundraising website (link at the right hand side of the blog) a total of.............................

$4,528 !!!!!!!! 

This is absolutely amazing and we couldn't have done it without her! This is the last day the site will remain active so please visit it and leave us a "hug" (prayer or comment) or a donation towards Baker Baby.

 Chris and I also want to thank those of you who have sent cards and donations privately towards Baker Baby. Thank you Mr and Mrs Witcher, Billy and Ashley Witcher and my mother Sue Case for funding our first attempt at IVF series this past January. 

We love you all.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

IVF Series 2....First Injection Here We Come!

Tonight we start our first injection of the 2nd IVF series and I'm actually excited about it! Not excited about the needles of course, if you've read this blog you know now that I am the BIGGEST wimp when it comes to needles, but the prospect of even getting to do this again is so exciting.

We've fundraised almost $4,400 as of this morning and I am still blown away by our friends and family's generosity and support. My sister is running a half marathon tomorrow for Baker Baby and I can't wait to cheer her on.

I am so proud of her for so many reasons and feel blessed to be the little sister of one of the toughest women I know. Here's her running jersey again, isn't it just the cutest?!

Please visit her site (link above) and help us cross that finish line :)

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Baker Baby Yard Sale Adventures

It was a cold, blustery day yesterday but we really did have a blast at the yard sale for Baker Baby. My best friend Casey hosted the sale at her house in Birmingham and we had a great turn out. Friends from all over donated to the sale and even came to pitch in and help.

Chris & his nephew Douglas at the Baker Baby Yard sale 

After a very scary Friday filled with the worry of tornados and storms, Saturday turned out to be gorgeous and chilly. We threw on our jackets as Casey's sweet husband Billy fired up the propane heater and welcomed the yard sale customers. 

Whit and his flashy new pants having a good time

We were so honored to have Casey's friends Heather & her husband Whit (seen rocking the tie dye pants above) to help us with the sale and bring a big dose of fun to the day!

Our other yard sale "helper" greeted each customer with a smile and a "oh please throw my tennis ball and be my new best friend" tail wag. 

Mulligan played ball & greeted customers from 7 AM to 2:00 PM (he needed some rest)

Casey's husband made a huge batch of pulled pork (Oh my goodness it was amazing!!!) for the group as well as homemade cookies. We had a great time and our grand total raised for Baker Baby was..................(drum roll)...................................................................

$350 !!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooo HOO

We are so excited and blessed to have these additional funds raised! Thank you Casey, Billy, Andrea, Heather, Whit, Jim, Lisa, Doug, and little Douglas for all of your help and support!